I wrote this stream of consciousness short story not too long after moving to Monterey Peninsula as a result of most days walking Carmel Beach. To touch rocky promontory at each end of the beach is about a three mile walk. The rocks came alive to me as they grounded my body as well as my spirit. And so this story . . .
The Seattle Star Publishes My Short Story, The Ushers
The timing is always ripe – unfortunately – for a story on racism, and this one I’m particularly proud of, as a white boy and a Black boy unravel it some. I very much like The Seattle Star’s open publishing approach. So jazzed to have my story picked up by them. Let us share in transparent community our stories, our art, ourselves. Here’s a link to The Ushers. Enjoy the read!
Pennsylvania Literary Journal To Publish 5 of King’s Poems
What an honor to have so much of my poetry published all in one wonderful place. And what great literary and poetic company my poetry will be keeping. Keep an eye out for the upcoming issue of Pennsylvania Literary Journal and my poems “Bixby Bridge”, “Carillonneurs”, “The River Man”, “Once The Bird Has Flown”, and “What To (Not) Do”.
Bitterzoet Magazine to Publish King’s Poem “FURTHER, LIKE THE NAME OF KESEY’S BUS OR SOMETHING”
Thanks Bitterzoet for liking this poem about striking out on a journey that transcends striving in favor of sweet & sometimes bitter surrender. Check out some of their cover art:
It’s mighty sweet to be published by the wonderful folks at Sweet Tree Review. Check out my poem “Reachings”: http://www.sweettreereview.com/reachings-king-grossman
Poydras Review to publish King’s poem “Sacred Ground”
This is a poem of comrades gathered together in the anti-war movement, standing together for creating real and lasting peace. To show for something as right as this while giving up illusions of control over outcomes, may be where hope is found at its center. Poydras Review has scheduled “Sacred Ground” to be published on July 15th this summer. Mark it on your calendar for reading this strong and lovely piece. I would love to know whether you agree with me as to the subtle magic of this poem.
“Literary Pilgrims Welcome”—right there on Visitant’s homepage this says it all for me to feel completely at home with this magnificent journal inviting me into its family of contributors. My poem “Perhaps Why A Poet” is set to appear in the March 20 issue; “Two Bigger Birds Getting Smaller Fly Toward New Names” in the April 10 issue; “Growing Younger As The Sun Goes Down” in the May 1 issue; and “Something Like Finding Obscure Figures In That Image Puzzle Inside That Magazine While At The Doctor’s Waiting Room” in the May 22 issue. There is an array to chose from in this feast of poetry, modernist minimalism, letting nature rightsize ego for the wonders of intimacy, staying fresh and ageless in in one’s creativity, and also, freeform convergences by way stream of consciousness. It’s all there dear poetry buffs. I hope you come sit down at the table and have your fill with the poetry, literature, and visual art in each of these Visitant issues.
It is particularly gratifying to have the wonderful literary/poetry journal Slab publish this poem, as it was penned by way of inspiration from being gifted with the really, really magnifico blessing of having a close friend who is a brother by another mother. Stay tuned for the next edition of Slab to read my poem along with all the other impeccable work on those pages. For now, why not enjoy some cover art of the most recent edition of Slab.